There were iron sconces on the wall, and a sheepskin before the bare hearth.
Spiders spun webs over the iron sconces, so thick it was as if they alone held the metal into place.
On the wall was an iron sconce with a half-burned wooden torch.
The torches, in the old iron sconces on the wall, were sending far too much smoke onto the ceiling, but that he would worry about later.
The walls hold iron sconces and mirrors in colorful frames.
The opposite wall held a row of candles in simple iron sconces.
It was lit up by a line of torches, which flickered and smoked in their iron sconces.
Between the windows were torches, mounted in high iron sconces, but none of them was lit.
Torches in iron sconces were not yet burning.
My sole lights were candles, set in iron sconces far apart.