The iron reserve of the Man In Black had slipped.
It has the world's largest zinc reserves, holds the second largest copper deposits and ranks ninth for its iron reserves.
Avnik represents the largest iron reserve in Turkey having estimated reserves of 104 million tonnes of ore grading 42% iron.
If Cheney had doubts about the United States march toward war, he contained them behind his iron reserve.
Supplemental zinc lowers measures of iron status in young women with low iron reserves.
In the same year Hermann Göring expressed his desire to control Austrian iron reserves at Erzberg.
A bereaved farmer with the expression seen "in certain kinds of people of an iron reserve who never cry.
Deep coal and iron reserves could not be mined without substantial investment and the Crown became determined to introduce the free market into the Forest.
Hasançelebi represents the largest iron reserve in Turkey having estimated reserves of 20 million tonnes of ore grading 54% iron.
Therefore, treatment is usually continued another 6 months to build up the body's iron reserves.