Black iron girders jutted out of the ground at improbable angles.
Alex saw bullets ricocheting off the iron girders of the bridge.
The crew of the Teasel looked up at great iron girders above them on either side.
It consists of a tall square room with a flat roof supported by iron girders.
The gate is affixed by iron girders to the wall behind it.
The fact that Hall 6 is a bare cavern with iron girders didn't matter at all by the time we had finished.
It was on a level with the massive iron girders that spanned and supported the roof of the station.
In 2007, the entrance corridor was supported by iron girders which have since been removed.
In actuality, the building's superstructure is built of iron girders.
The room beyond had a vaulted, curved ceiling supported by great iron girders, black with age.