That prompted the irate neighbor to get enough signatures to put the measure on the ballot, but it failed.
One irate neighbour says: 'She hired a huge crane to swing the trees over her house into the garden.'
But troubles there were, and in a conspicuous location filled with sidewalk critics and irate neighbors.
A 48-year-old kindergarten teacher was shot to death in her apartment by an irate neighbor who was complaining of noise, the state police said Saturday.
Eventually an irate neighbor shoots the animal in the leg, and it hobbles off, whining in agony.
"The problems would begin with irate neighbors calling at night to a fraternity house and having the phone answered rudely."
Now the irate neighbor on the floor below.
"It didn't go over too well," Mr. Brigati said, recalling the morning he found an irate neighbor outside his front door.
The man was charged after he turned up at the game and ran into the irate neighbor, who had obtained replacement tickets from the Giants.
Of particular concern are irate neighbors of the airport who have lost patience with the growing noise problem.