Thus, the ionic currents of the presynaptic action potential can directly stimulate the postsynaptic cell.
Because the cells are dissociated from one another in a suspension culture, the ionic currents in that single cell can be measured in detail.
While the ionic current is from emitter end to collector end, the strength of the current can be modulated by the base electrode.
Where and are the capacitive and ionic currents per unit area of ith compartment membrane.
The ionic current is measured by passing a low voltage across the spark plugs immediately following the ignition spark.
It is one of the most important ionic currents for regulating pacemaker activity in the sinoatrial (SA) node.
When stimulating, electrodes transduce electronic currents into ionic currents through the media.
Let's see, if we can find some way to block the ionic currents from passing through the cell membranes, that should prevent transmission.
In addition, the structures must also sense ionic currents and be able to cause currents to flow backward.
Stretch-activated ion channels are mechanotransducers which conduct ionic currents by responding to stress in the cell membrane.