The biota has adapted to extreme conditions characterized by high ionic concentrations of water and poor nutrient content.
However, an increase in intracellular ionic concentration is harmful to the cell.
In nature, ions tend to migrate from high to low ionic concentrations.
If the formation fluid has an ionic concentration greater than the well bore fluid the deflection will be positive (and usually to the right).
First, ferredoxin is able to be reduced due to a suitably high ionic concentration.
The ions exchanged during an action potential, therefore, make a negligible change in the interior and exterior ionic concentrations.
However, if this is followed by drought then ionic concentrations within the cell can increase dramatically.
Its rectifying effect decreases with the increase of ionic concentration.
It is very similar - though not identical to - Hartmann's Solution, the ionic concentrations of which differ.
By adjusting the pH or the ionic concentration of the mobile phase, various protein molecules can be separated.