The collective ionic charge acts to cause the clay plates to repel each other and thus slip and slide against each other.
Elements or chemical groups that have an ionic charge can usually be dissolved to form ions in either water or another polar solvent.
Ion exchange chromatography separates compounds according to the nature and degree of their ionic charge.
When the metal has more than one possible ionic charge or oxidation number the name becomes ambiguous.
Madison Square Garden buzzed with an ionic charge.
The sulfite anion should be written with subscript '3' and the ionic charge '-2'.
Because the ionic charge enters in one location and dissipates to others, losing intensity as it spreads, electrotonic spread is a graded response.
Note that the ionic charge determines the sign of the membrane potential contribution.
With T the total concentration of species A. Note that it is customary to omit the ionic charges when writing and using these equations.
The high acidity is caused by the dispersal of the ionic charge over the anion.