The solubility is dependent upon how well each ion interacts with the solvent, so there are certain patterns.
Upon impact the ions may interact with and chemically bind to species present at the surface.
These ions could interact with an electrically charged object, neutralizing the charge.
Fast moving ions interact differently with matter than electrons do, and, due to their higher momentum, their optical properties are different.
Left to themselves, these ions would interact with the environment and lose coherence over a period of about one millisecond.
Therefore the ions will interact with each other, and due to the strong forces resulting from their opposite charge will reform a crystal lattice.
Differently sized ions also cannot interact as well with the negatively charged glutamic acid residues that line the pore.
Rider argued that, in a quasi-neutral plasma where all the positives and negatives are distributed equally, the ions will interact.
Mr. Nye said negative ions might interact with some of the free radicals in the water droplets on the hair and reduce the surface tension.
These ions interact with the object surface.