Not finding crystals, he searched for iodine pills.
I woke up in the morning to go to class and there he was in my room, sober, as drawn as a ghost, with an iodine pill for me.
More insidious, Dr. Sharmanov said, were private companies that sold iodine pills.
A low-cost alternative to commercially available iodine pills is a saturated solution of potassium iodide.
WHO warned against consumption of iodine pills without consulting a doctor and also warned against drinking iodine antiseptic solution.
Under the current levels, administering iodine pills is unnecessary.
Everyone in the US seemed paranoid to Bado, generations of them, with their bomb shelters and their iodine pills.
We can also take iodine pills to make sure we get enough.
This is especially true when we are being advised to stock emergency kits with iodine pills.
In Japan, officials took swift action after the Fukushima power plant leaked radiation last month, distributing protective iodine pills to local residents.