Foreign portfolio investment, which includes shares and securities, decreased dramatically in 1999, but has experienced significant growth since then.
In 2001, foreign portfolio investment was $451 million, more than twice the amount from the previous year.
"Mexico had an enormous amount of portfolio investments and look what happened there," she said.
Yemen does not have a stock exchange, therefore limiting inward portfolio investment.
Major reforms in India's capital markets led to an influx of foreign portfolio investment.
Many individuals are locked into portfolio investments they would like to, and should, change, but cannot because of the tax on realisation.
"This is a religion in the age of portfolio investment."
The rest is in portfolio investments like Treasury securities, stocks and bonds.
Our results also provide evidence to support the hypothesis advanced in Section 2 that institutional changes have important effects on portfolio investment.
The commission also suggested a tighter limit on portfolio investments that cannot easily be sold.