And you don't want us to touch it, Jian thought, with an inward grin.
And no, she thought, with an inward grin, / don't want to try flipping to Drive against the grain.
He wondered, with an inward grin, what the count would do on Exuma.
Probably, thought Haplo with an inward grin, going straight to the library or wherever it is the ancient records are kept.
That must have affected his attitude somewhat, Reilly thought, with an inward grin.
And that, Heikki thought, with an inward grin, puts us in our place.
I'd forgotten Precinct manners, Heikki thought, with an inward grin.
Trust Ria to find a way to think of everything in economic terms, Eric thought with an inward grin.
Here was another astounding peasant-paradox, thought the Mouser with an inward grin.
"Oh, I believe he is quite trustworthy, sir," said Jack, with an inward grin.