Each year, the school embarks on a project involving students in their community.
This school environment is created through a partnership involving students, faculty, administration, parents, and the Zimbabwean community.
In clashes involving the settlers, students, insurgents, indigenous groups and security forces, more than 7,000 people have died since the 1980's.
During the academic year many cultural and artistic events take place involving both students and staff, adding life to the Campus.
A report released recently by Board of Education officials showed a 16 percent increase in total incidents involving teachers, administrators and students.
The improvement was attributed to increased discussion and education involving teachers, administrators and students.
The university has many traditions and annual events involving students, community, or the city.
An Estonian police official, however, stated that there were only a few cases involving foreign students over the previous two years.
He often concentrated on developing and promoting interdisciplinary works involving students from all the creative fields.
Endeavour was named through a national competition involving students in elementary and secondary schools.