At the war's end, he endured a personal crisis involving his son, Eliezer Gruenbaum.
An erotic novel involving a loving man, his sensual second wife and his prepubescent son.
On another occasion, the police were called in for a domestic disturbance involving the family's son.
Also gone were at least 20 other personal videos, including some involving his son, that had "great sentimental value" to Sharp.
The homosexuality storyline involving Michael and his son, helped one man accept his own sexuality.
There were substantiated media stories about corruption involving Basu's son, and the state economy was generally losing steam.
There was a paternity suit involving his son, Jason, now 7.
He has won convictions in two of the most significant asbestos cases in the country - the latest involving a father and his son.
This is not the first time that Mr. Wilson has recanted a statement involving the secretary general and his son.
Kelley, his wife, is recuperating from a four-wheel-drive vehicle mishap also involving their 5-year-old son, who helped her reach safety.