Investigating problems involving officers of the Dutch army.
In the late 1990's, there were several cases involving officers who got into trouble after drinking.
In five investigations involving undercover officers between July and October 1996, the police made a total of 12 arrests for prostitution.
The incident was the third case involving drunken off-duty officers over the last six weeks.
Mr. Brekke said he believed there had never been a police corruption case involving officers from so many different agencies.
A third country, Paraguay, announced 10 days previously that it had detected a conspiracy involving military officers and opposition politicians.
They described the change-over as part of a series of moves involving high-ranking officers that will be announced in coming months.
Tips involving military officers or other right-wingers were avoided after the Gunnarsson embarrassment.
Brutality cases involving white officers and minority accusers provided the impetus for civilian review.
The tribunal did not prosecute war crimes allegations involving mid-ranking officers or more junior personnel.