There had, of course, been problems, mishaps - even accidents, though none involving loss of life.
In this context, the masks reflect a creative response to death as a time of crisis involving mourning and loss.
Daoists today use zuowang to mean a specific form of practice involving loss of self and conscious thought.
Almaty is in an active seismic zone, but the last major earthquake involving loss of life was in 1927.
Cast iron continued to be used in railway under bridges, and there were a number of serious failures involving loss of life.
Potentially explosive hydrogen gases can be released in an accident involving loss of the reactor's coolant.
Ultimately, the meaning was generalized to include all processes involving loss of electrons.
In recent years, there has been an increase in accidents involving loss of human life and environmental damage in the Black Sea.
Bilateral vestibulopathy - a condition involving loss of inner ear balance function in both ears.
I can think of two sinkings involving greater loss of life.