McPherson has counseled businesses, nonprofit organizations, foreign governments, and individuals on a range of matters involving Congress, the executive branch, and regulatory agencies.
It is one of my highest priorities to provide assistance to South Carolina residents who have questions or concerns involving agencies within the federal government.
Q: Can you help me with problems involving State or Local agencies?
As a federal representative I can only make inquiries involving federal agencies.
My office resolves hundreds of cases every year involving federal agencies ranging from Social Security Administration to the VA.
The decision came after a review that began in late March involving DeVito/Verdi and unidentified agencies.
I take great pride in helping Nevadans who have questions or concerns involving various federal agencies.
A system of checks and balances has emerged, involving federal agencies, university committees and carefully worded written consent forms.
They also said that security planning for the inauguration was a well-rehearsed responsibility involving agencies whose roles were well known from past inaugurations.
Due to separation of powers, Senator Leahy is unable to help with problems involving state or judicial agencies.