Our involvement with teaching the next generation of health professionals means you will find excellent care.
The involvement of local police forces can mean an enhanced check may take significantly longer than a standard check to be completed.
It now seemed that American involvement in the war would mean a lesser number of tanks available for the British forces.
The Culture's involvement meant that we suffered the war's depredations while failing to benefit from its lessons.
Our involvement in the project meant that we had influence over the space adjacent to the college.
Maybe our involvement means that a pay-per-view movie can be pulled down for half the price - or even free - if it includes commercials.
I believe that the involvement and potential of women themselves will mean that they make up a high percentage of this group.
High involvement also means that individuals will have a more restricted latitude of acceptance.
By contrast, full involvement means that people who will use a project are among those generating the basic specifications for it.
This involvement has meant that the school has been able to open a new technology suite - pictured above.