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The task involved writing more than six million lines of software code.
Another approach would involve writing restrictions into the bond covenants.
That involves writing a detailed professional history and answering questions like: Have you ever been admitted to practice in another state?
Usually, this involves writing a computer program in some programming language, but producing the output by hand or in any other way is also acceptable.
His thesis involved writing a Requiem in twelve languages.
A similar technique involved writing to sectors of the disk that would not normally be used.
During his stay at the hospital he was restricted from undertaking work that involved writing or any other activity that could cause physical exertion.
This position involved writing twelve pieces for piano, each piece being premiered over a twelve-month period.
J Jones is a journalist first, which involves writing today whatever comes into his head.
This approach does not necessarily involve writing chants for the masses, although that's great if it happens and the music rocks.
The first series involves contemporary and experimental writing, including many mixed-media works.
The combination often involves writing and defending a thesis or completing a research project which represents the culmination of the material learned.
His own best-selling books did not involve much writing or thinking; they were often gimmicky repackagings of material by better authors in the public domain.
A scribe's job involved reading and writing, especially during the Renaissance.
A comprehensive program involves not only decoding, but also creative writing, comprehension, literature and discussion.
Godfrey then became Assistant to the Commercial Producer, which involved creative writing and producing.
However, the technique did not become widely used, possibly because for complex arguments, it involved much writing and rewriting of the premises.
The technique involves continuous writing, usually for a predetermined period of time (often five to fifteen minutes).
Moot court and similar competitions involve legal research, brief writing and oral argument.