To know or not to know these things involves no serious censure upon the poet's art.
The plan involves real demands upon the Nicaraguans by their closest neighbors.
Additionally, each saying of the rosary involved a private meditation upon one of the Mysteries.
Among other things those policies involved major turns in the direction of greater reliance upon market forces, both domestically and internationally.
But this achievement also involved a brutal assault upon his subjects.
So is the plenitude of God's power to be asserted, as not to involve any imputation upon his will.
Association of ideas - involving sometimes merely a play upon words - in connection with the phenomenon or phenomena observed.
The final weekly challenge involved a reflection upon their past weekly weight losses.
One situation, case "91-23", involved arson upon a car on the border of Tennessee.
"What we wish to discuss involves a long-term arrangement rather than a quick meal upon Deek here or myself."