Louis was a runner for the company captain, which involved transporting orders from company headquarters to officers on the front line.
In cases involving transporting illegal aliens, the alien is considered a witness to the alleged crime.
Generally speaking, human trafficking involves transporting individuals from one place to another either against their will or under some sort of false pretense.
Other assignments involve transporting offenders to prison and defendants to court for trial.
Custody Transfer in the oil and gas industry refers to the transactions involving transporting physical substance from one operator to another.
This smuggling involved transporting illegal aliens from foreign countries into the United States.
The operation involved transporting around 200 tons of equipment to each race.
This contrasts with tactical airlifts, which involves transporting the same above items within a theater of operations.
Electronic communication involves transporting a wide range of information, not just data, but also voice, multimedia and video.
Pet shipping is an industry that involves transporting pets, often by plane.