The program has worked in other states, reducing crashes involving teenagers by 31 percent in Michigan, for example.
Like so many fatal accidents involving teenagers, alcohol played a role.
The percentage of parents who say that they are very likely to paddle increases to 12% when involving teenagers.
The project involves teenagers from both of Northern Ireland's main communities.
Cases typically have to do with problems faced by teens, and will usually involve teenagers as witnesses.
By last year, that total had risen, to 4,382, with 3,271 involving teenagers.
The allegations are believed to involve several teenagers aged from 12 to 18.
This episode deals with abusive relationships, particularly the types that involve teenagers, and how they sometimes end.
Prosecutors, however, said they had been seeing an increase in the number of cases involving teenagers.
But most injuries now occur in backyard play, which is more likely to involve teenagers or children.