The most celebrated was the 1972 "Gold bug" case, which involved electronic surveillance of suspected underworld figures.
The first challenge, he said, involves surveillance.
Missions for the Skeldar involves surveillance, intelligence gathering, light cargo transportation and electronic warfare.
This involve coastal surveillance, investigation and prosecution of illegal activities.
It involves surveillance and control, not love and compassion.
Another mission involves surveillance where players must navigate within 1500 feet of eight tankers suspected of carrying arms to photograph the vessels.
Mr. Bacon also declined to say whether the action he described as "some air activities during daylight hours" involved strikes or surveillance.
It will conduct a program of test flights involving surveillance, ground attack and autonomous aerial refueling missions.
In situations not involving surveillance, women are less likely to conform.
After the removal of the affected testicle, your treatment plan may involve surveillance, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or additional surgery.