This process involves storing energy as a proton gradient, also known as the proton motive force (PMF), across the mitochondrial inner membrane.
They all involve storing several states.
Meta-data management (also known as metadata management, without the hyphen) involves storing information about other information.
Changing the default for the next run would involve storing user information in some place, such as in cookies on the user's computer for an Internet application.
A proper backup system involves storing a copy of your data off site, not in your office.
The most common type of personal delivery involves storing grocery inventory in a warehouse to deliver to customers once orders are placed.
Because of the fragility of film stock, proper preservation of film usually involves storing the original negatives (when they have survived) and prints in climate-controlled facilities.
To effect this in a generic framework involves storing of dependencies between the controlling attributes and the controlled attributes.
The first is lexicon-based and involves storing a list of the allowed words.
Floating or drydock storage involves storing the boat on or off water for a period of time.