This involves 21.8 percent of all the country's multi-adult households.
There are 50 chapters that involve 11 percent of undergraduate students.
"If there is any way to get out peacefully, the international community has got to be involved 100 percent."
The plan involves 80 buses, or about 4 percent of Greyhound's current fleet of 2,100.
The purchase involves 65 percent of the outstanding shares of Smedvig.
A1 Alcohol abuse among the elderly involves 10 to 15 percent of Americans, studies show.
One involves households with variable rate mortgages - 25 percent of all mortgage holders.
The Recommend role typically involves 80 percent of the work in a decision.
Forestry, whether public or private, was the dominant land use, involving 97 percent of the watershed.
The job reductions, involving 12 percent of the airline's work force, are expected to further strain Eastern's already tense labor relations.