It also often involves reconstruction of homes and livelihoods.
The updates involved reconstruction of all the building's external and internal areas.
The mansion's development primarily involved reconstruction of the south wing of the building.
The work involved major reconstruction of many of the structures, to make them suitable for modern cruisers.
But the most spectacular experiments involve full-size reconstruction of buildings and other structures.
An additional minor procedure involves reconstruction of the nipple/areolar area.
Nearly all cases will involve major reconstruction on the airport itself, and will have a huge impact on the airport's future traffic.
Pakistan is pursuing a comprehensive strategy in its frontier regions that involves military action, political reconciliation and economic reconstruction and development.
Which she did throughout her yearlong treatment, which involved a bilateral mastectomy, reconstruction and six months of chemotherapy.
While the practice of medicine in most military hospitals is largely a matter of sawing off arms and legs, here the job involves reconstruction.