Should female judges be barred from hearing cases involving sexual harassment or rape?
Detectives refused to provide the details of the incident, but said it did not involve rape or sodomy.
Their atrocities involve racism, rape, sadism, and a general lack of humanity.
The other suit, also involving rape, was settled in March, but this agreement specified that the details of the case would not be made public.
The charges, to which he repeated "not guilty" seven times at his arraignment, involved rape of a 13-year-old boy.
Social scientists have found that a woman's sexual behavior often becomes an issue even in cases that do not involve rape.
Many women's stories involved rape, forced marriage, deception, and abuse at the hands of authority figures in society and the government.
The circumstances usually involve rape, incest or the life of the woman.
Three of the cases involved rape, sodomy or other sexual offenses, the police said.
In the last few weeks, the student newspaper has reported at least four attacks on students, three involving rape.