Under Federal law, any lawsuit involving prisoners must first be heard by a magistrate, who decides whether the case can go forward.
Research involving prisoners is conducted today, but prisoners are now one of the most highly protected groups of human subjects.
The associate, Penny Shane, is working on 20 cases at the moment, 19 of them involving prisoners.
Throughout his attention to human rights, he focused upon cases that involved racial minorities, women, political prisoners, and indigents without legal representation.
The plot involves prisoners who have lost the power of speech; they sing, but only their guard uses recognizable words.
This sober, documented rejoinder is the right way to respond to all charges involving prisoners.
But this willingness to protect expression has not extended to cases involving prisoners and government employees.
The new dispute about juveniles involves other prisoners.
Some of the most disturbing testimony involved white prisoners.
Earlier in the day, a similar exchange involving more than 5,000 Muslim and Croatian prisoners was also postponed indefinitely.