Demonstration of true parasitism between existing species typically involves observing the harmful effects of parasites on a presumed host.
One particular goal involves observing some of the most distant objects in the Universe, beyond the reach of current ground and space based instruments.
For example, if the research question involves observing behavior during a specific holiday, one would use event sampling instead of time sampling.
The team also worked on experiments that were flown with Endeavour, including one that involves observing spiders and butterflies in space.
Strategic benchmarking - involves observing how others compete.
Visual - Many members do Visual work, which involves observing with Eyepieces.
This step involves observing the time, place, type and symptoms of the problem.
The Council noted however, that the deployment of a peacekeeping mission cannot take place without the parties involved fully observing the ceasefire agreements signed.
If the study doesn't involve observing exoplanets in any way, shape or form then yes, you're right.
Database auditing involves observing a database so as to be aware of the actions of database users.