Officials said almost all details about the international conference remained vague, though it would involve foreign ministers and not heads of state.
Each commission session is, in fact, a series of meetings involving American Cabinet-level officials, Russian ministers and seemingly hundreds of aides from both sides.
This was the most recent of several corruption scandals in 1991, involving ministers, presidential aides, and members of the family of Menem's estranged wife.
His first two years were marked by indecision and scandals involving several ministers.
This dispute degenerated to the point of involving MLAs, ministers, and finally the Archbishop of Quebec, who chastised both journal editors.
And this week we've seen the emergence of an interesting new alternative, involving ministers making announcements by video.
All rankings involved only prime ministers from the 20th and 21st centuries, with no coverage for the other 31 pre-20th-century Prime Ministers.
Among the forums coming up is a meeting involving ministers from key countries in Tokyo Nov. 8 through 10.
Mr. Redman said that it was not customary for news photographers to be present during meetings that did not involve foreign ministers or other officials of a foreign government.
The event involved numerous mayors, prime ministers, ministers, and secretaries from both China and Argentina.