Concerns over scenarios involving nuclear accidents or incidents on American soil are not recent.
The series is generally comedic, although it involves violence, theft, and bizarre international incidents.
This was Tomas' fifth red card between 2010 and 2013, all 5 involving 'off the ball' incidents.
They said the rape charges against John West, 51, involved incidents that allegedly occurred between 1975 and 1980.
Only three sitting Presidents have been defendants in civil lawsuits involving incidents before they took office.
But we have bases in many countries, and times of tension involving serious incidents do occur.
Other allegations involved incidents that happened too long ago to be prosecuted, he said.
All the cases involved incidents that occurred before the Coria shootings.
There have also been several high profile court cases that resulted in convictions and settlements involving such incidents.
They all say they are disappointed by the outcome of their complaints, which involve incidents between 1988 and 1994.