The X-29 proved reliable, and by August 1986 was flying research missions of over three hours involving multiple flights.
He said the delays mainly involved domestic flights.
Edward Daniels writes A forthcoming journey may involve changing flights in a tight time margin.
Rises Effective March 25 Continental said about 60 percent of its higher full coach fares went into effect at midnight, principally involving nonstop flights.
The rest of the week involves training, tours, setup, and flights.
That mobilization, which involved four times as many troops, lasted much longer - 402 days - and involved far more flights and aircraft.
The following did not occur near the airfield itself but involved flights originating from or bound for Love Field:
These can involve synchronised flights, mutual preening and calling.
Far fewer delays involving international flights were reported at Kennedy International Airport.
But such attacks would involve flights over Turkey, which Ankara is reluctant to allow.