The military's experiments, he said, involved doses that were many times what was thought to be the minimum to cause infections.
The initial treatment involves massive doses so it saturates the system, is absorbed into the body, and undertakes the biochemical changes.
Other treatment regimens involving higher doses may carry risks of 1-2% or higher, depending on regimen.
They include antibiotics called cephalosporins, some of which involve doses only twice a day for five days.
This form of alternative medicine involves large doses of vitamins and nutrients.
Recent findings indicate that lower doses (studies usually involve high doses) can cause these symptoms.
Previous radiation therapy accidental exposures that resulted in mortality had involved excessive doses of 30-50% more than prescribed.
The majority of studies on antioxidants and disease prevention have involved much higher doses of the nutrients than are found in the typical diet.
Early studies of theanine involved much larger doses than are found in an everyday cup of tea.
The procedure involves large doses of powerful chemotherapy drugs that kill the bone marrow, followed by transplants to restore it.