The familiar concern has involved doctors who take money from pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies for consulting or research.
Some are public, involving musicians, storytellers, medical doctors, and even soldiers.
He said that the cases had involved different doctors on different days, and had not resulted in procedural changes.
The road was closed in both directions to facilitate the rescue which took several hours and involved firefighters, police, doctors and three psychologists.
There were 14,500 actions taken against a health professional's license; of these 79 percent involved medical doctors, and the remainder dentists.
From 1928 to 1930, he was counsel to an investigation of a conspiracy involving ambulance-chasing lawyers and doctors.
Hospital fantasies - involving doctors, nurses and patients.
She argued that the lawsuits would end up in "a procedural morass" because they involved doctors under differing types of contracts with the companies.
But Montefiore, which has invested $120 million in information technology since 1993, made a crucial decision: to involve doctors in the system design.
There have been enough accidents in hospitals involving junior doctors to render the Council' s proposal unjustified.