To meet these possibilities, a technique known as stratification is employed: this involves dividing the population into groups or strata and sampling randomly within each.
Coppice management involves dividing a woodland into compartments, or coupes, which are cut on a rotation of five to 25 years.
Mr. Lujan said his second step would involve dividing the bureau into separate sections overseeing trust relations, delivery of services to tribes and education.
Basic storage involves dividing a disk into primary and extended partitions.
A decision - which may involve dividing assignments between agencies - is expected in February.
Hill's plan involved dividing his force into three columns.
Asset allocation involves dividing an investment portfolio among different asset categories, such as stocks, bonds, and cash.
In many cases, this involved dividing an Irish territory in two.
Cluster sampling is a type of sampling which involves dividing the population into groups (or clusters).
Block matching involves dividing the image into mosaic blocks - say perhaps for the sake of explanation, 8x8 pixels.