It's something that you have to learn, involving mental discipline and learning how to clear your mind.
The program lasts six months, and involves intense physical activity and strict discipline.
At the elders' discretion, "non-judicial" situations may involve discipline of one or more of several types, presented here in escalating seriousness.
This originally involved both leading in lessons and keeping general discipline, but latterly it involved only discipline.
"Any art form involves discipline, rigor, consistency, passions, all of these skills that also give you a release for your feelings."
The French university model involved strict discipline and control over every aspect of the university.
It involves a lot of movement and choreography around the stage, and involves much discipline.
"Singing is hard work, it involves great discipline."
Traditional child rearing involved very little discipline.
I respectfully suggest that if you have something to say to any of them involving order or discipline, you say it through me.