We have in fact two conversion rates, which involve administrative difficulties for the Commission.
It goes without saying that a restructuring measure of the kind needed here is bound to involve problems and difficulties.
Nevertheless, there are only two firm dates that bear directly on the church itself and even these involve certain difficulties.
Items involving changes in body image, hypochondria, and difficulty working were replaced.
All data gathering involves difficulties with the potential inaccuracy of research subjects' reports.
Braces can also be used to head off a bite problem (the kind that involves difficulty in the way the teeth meet).
The notion of spirit involves no more difficulty in it than that of body.
Coalition thus involved inevitable difficulties which could only be kept in check as long as the sense of crisis lasted.
Breaking off with a neighbor may involve other difficulties, but it carries no great burden of guilt.
But he noted that the Bush team is still taking shape and that transitions always involve difficulties.