The standard conflict-resolution systems are symbolic, usually involving dice and very simplified character proficiency statistics.
Combat involves special dice bearing skulls and shields.
By the time Kebbi had swallowed a third of his first mug, a game of chance involving dice was beginning to get under way around one of the outdoor tables positioned in front of the ramshackle building.
This usually involves rolling dice, and comparing the number rolled to their character's statistics to see whether the action was successful.
This variant doesn't involve dice at all and the play depends more on hand-eye coordination than tactical decision making.
Popular role-playing games involving four-sided tetrahedral dice include Dungeons & Dragons and Ironclaw.
Board games may also involve dice, cards, money,Board chips,etc.
In modern parlance, it refers to such a roll in any game involving dice.
It involves auctioning/bidding, betting/wagering, commodity speculation, dice rolling, and worker placement.
Many also involve dice and/or cards.