The men had never worked on a project like this, which involved unusual materials, gigantic forms in odd shapes and tricky conditions.
These jobs often pay less than "male" jobs that involve comparable education, responsibility, mental demands and working conditions.
The solutions, although complex, involve medical or surgical conditions that are susceptible to physical treatment.
External causes of frustration involve conditions outside an individual, such as a blocked road or a difficult task.
The agents are non-political professionals whose job involves long hours, difficult conditions and tremendous pressures.
The Fourth Way does involve certain conditions imposed by a teacher, but blind acceptance of them is discouraged.
The differential diagnosis of testicular pain is broad and involves conditions from benign to life threatening.
These races usually involve conditions such as "non-winner of three lifetime."
Neither are the terms of the document known, though it seems clear that they involved conditions for further negotiations.
The majority of these cases involve terms, conditions, and privileges relating to a current rental arrangement.