Early stabs at it involved attaching woven parts to a frame.
That will involve attaching two other hotel facilities, each with gambling, on the east and west of the old Trump Plaza.
His job involved attaching golf club heads to their shafts.
More permanent construction methods involve attaching benchwork framing to the walls of the room or building in which the layout is situated.
Before shelves can be filled the player must price each item in the warehouse, which involves attaching labels to goods.
With smaller models this usually involves attaching arms, weapons and the base.
Mounting usually involves attaching the samples to a glass microscope slide for observation and analysis.
It usually involves attaching a book cover to the resulting text-block.
The technique involves attaching small pieces of feathers, animal fur, and other materials on a hook in order to make it attractive to fish.
It involved attaching electro magnets to chronometers in a system which attached a control lamp to the starting gun for each race.