Platelet transfusions are generally not recommended for this group of patients because the underlying cause involves antibodies that destroy platelets, therefore any newly transfused platelets will also be destroyed.
One possible treatment for cancer involves monoclonal antibodies that bind only to cancer cell-specific antigens and induce an immunological response against the target cancer cell.
He'd certainly be able to accomplish more there than here if he was to be relegated to busywork involving monoclonal antibodies.
Other reactions are known as false food allergies, which occur when food seems to trigger the release of histamine and other symptom-provoking chemicals directly, without involving antibodies.
Allergies involve mainly IgE, antibodies, and histamine.
Most of the work involves monoclonal antibodies.
His work involved penicillin therapy, infectious hepatitis, syphilis, the viral clumping of red blood cells, tissue culture techniques and antibodies to fight ulcerated abdominal infections.
Many scientists are more enthusiastic about recent advances involving vaccines that focus on stimulating cellular immunity, rather than just antibodies.
III[)o you know if it involved monoclonal antibodies?
This involves immune system cells rather than antibodies.