The calcium function in vertebrates also involves activation of protein kinase C and its effects.
The reaction mechanism involves the acylation and activation of the acid 1 to the mixed anhydride 3.
The mechanism that retrieves a memory involves activation of several areas of the brain.
The second is elaboration, which is a conscious memory used to encode explicit memories that involves activation, but also creating new relationships amongst existing memories.
Reactivation of the endospore occurs when conditions are more favourable and involves activation, germination, and outgrowth.
TRAIL-induced apoptosis involves activation of caspase-8 in other systems.
In particular, these disorders involve activation of the autonomic nervous system, motor system, or cognitive processes during sleep or sleep-wake transitions.
Adaptation in the face of stressful situations and stimuli involves activation of neural, neuroendocrine and neuroendocrine-immune mechanisms.
Memory for the properties of stimuli such as roughness, spatial density, and texture involves activation of the parietal operculum.
This is because, if there is only one logogen for fork, all these different tasks will involve activation of the same logogen.