The sharpest difference, not surprisingly, involved abortion.
Seventeen Democrats voted in favor, giving the legislation a bipartisan cast that has been rare in votes involving abortion.
The resolution was even strengthened with the declaration that "no Catholic can responsibly take a 'pro-choice' stand when the 'choice' in question" involves abortion.
These cells do not involve abortion and can now be used in federally financed research, according to a recent decision by the National Institutes of Health.
Clinics cannot make referrals to others who offer abortion services or engage in any lobbying or legal action involving abortion.
A chief difference between them involves abortion; he favors tight restrictions and she opposes further limits.
"Involuntary fetal mortality" involves natural abortion, miscarriages and stillbirth (a fetus born dead).
Judge Alito has rejected asylum applications involving abortion in other cases as well.
He will also vote in two other cases peripherally involving abortion.
In Washington, the new Reagan administration removed financial support for any programmes that involved abortion or sterilisation.