We should also involve Russia in the discussion.
That same year, Andy Yorke left the group to go back to work involving Russia.
The resulting civil war in Poland, involving Russia, lasted from 1768 to 1772.
The rest of the game's war plays out depending on the player's actions, potentially involving China and Russia.
The final talks turned on the political procedures for involving Russia in deliberations over European security as well as sensitive military issues.
At the same time Washington can discuss security cooperation with Ukraine - but not without involving Russia as well.
Moreover, in my opinion, we should involve Russia in the development and implementation of this framework.
In particular, this involves Russia putting an end to the process of abandoning practices that have already been introduced.
We need to fully involve Russia and China, which are permanent members of the Security Council.
Now we must also work on involving the United Nations and Russia in the search for a solution.