Disputes also involve Japan and the Philippines against China, which Taiwan supports.
MacKillop offers its students various chances to interact with students from different schools in other countries, which involve Japan, France and Italy.
Restrictive technical and testing standards are at issue in a third case involving Japan, related to wood products.
Generally, his stories involve Japan and examine the moral choices that people make in extreme situations.
Like most economic issues involving Japan, the answer depends on where you look.
Perhaps the biggest risks - and the most immediate diplomatic challenge for Mr. Bush - involve Japan.
The threat is the latest volley in an escalating battle involving the United States and Japan as well as Europe.
Japan was invited to the Conference twice but declined, thus a mediation effort directly involving Japan was out of the question.
The scariest comparison involves Japan, which is suffering from deflation after a bubble of its own helped create a decade of weak growth.
I think Washington will also try to involve Japan and other Western countries more deeply in finding a solution.