Show a man his lost mother's grave, and you invoked deep emotional forces which could be played upon, manipulated.
Rituals to invoke divine forces reflect this same concern for the autonomous ase of particular entities.
- by invoking divine forces not confined by human limitations.
Worship in Hinduism involves invoking higher forces to assist in spiritual and material progress and is simultaneously both a science and an art.
They exhilarate and frighten us, amaze and humble us and invoke great forces that we cannot fully anticipate or control.
Igor's wife Yaroslavna invokes natural forces from the walls of Putyvl.
The girl and the boy fall in love, and when marriage proves impossible, he invokes mystic evil forces that kill him.
This is done through religious performances and rituals which are thought to invoke cosmic forces that rejuvenate the soil.
In the Middle Ages, English soldiers believed that an army attacking a castle could invoke supernatural forces to their aid if they marched counter-clockwise around the castle walls.
They are invoking large social forces and making imposing social promises.