Some critics have invoked comparisons to the eugenics movement of the early 20th century.
This week, Mr. Rumsfeld gave a hint of just how much time might be required, invoking comparisons from World War II.
He also ridiculed those critics who are already invoking comparisons to Vietnam.
The case invoked comparisons to the 1987 movie "Fatal Attraction."
The Cub's simplicity, affordability and popularity invokes comparisons to the Ford Model T automobile.
I love the early 20th Century's art and architecture and work hard to invoke comparisons to that period in my work.
The 28-year-old defendant, whose relationship with her colleague, Paul Solomon, invoked comparisons to the 1987 movie "Fatal Attraction," faces a minimum of 15 years to life in prison.
Why can't Broadway's revival be enjoyed without invoking invidious comparisons that are doomed to derision?