Jewish, Muslim and Christian groups invoke religious arguments for their uncompromising positions.
A committed Christian, Booth is an Anglican lay-preacher, and often invokes religious and ethical arguments while talking about issues such as sportsmanship.
In another example, if an individual attempts to convince others that something is "right," they can invoke generally accepted arguments that support their agenda.
A 2007 Forbes article titled "Don't Buy That House" invokes similar arguments and concludes that for now, "resist the pressure [to buy].
They are often involved in various tax protests, and have invoked arguments popularized by tax protesters.
Two months later, a coalition of unions and community groups also sued, seeking to prevent the privatization of the two Queens hospitals and invoking similar legal arguments.
Recent comments by Newt Gingrich have invoked arguments perceived to carry racial themes and value-laden attack lines.
Other opponents invoke familiar arguments against government intervention in medical matters.
Democratic presidential candidates offered a near-unified assault on President Bush's credibility in the Iraq war, aggressively invoking arguments that most had shunned since the fall of Baghdad.
The Council's reply is to invoke spurious legal arguments to maintain the semblance of national sovereignty rather than having a strong internal market structured to apply the system.