A further 87,000 high-resolution images are available for academic use under the Gallery's own license that invites donations in return; previously, the Gallery charged for high-resolution images.
A matchstick model of the Council House building invites donations from visitors to the Lord Mayor's charities.
And, of course, to invite new donations.
Project 'Lakshaya' was launched by the college to invite donations from alumni members to fund a new campus.
In order to finance the expedition Muhammad invited contributions and donations from his followers.
Jehovah's Witnesses accept donations if offered by householders, and are instructed to invite donations in countries where soliciting funds is permitted.
Funds for this work had been refused by the State Secretariat and Tunku therefore invited donations from local town dwellers who would benefit if evacuations became necessary.
The college's trustees have voted to designate the gift as a dollar-for-dollar matching fund to invite additional donations to the capital campaign.
Local newspapers run advertisements from churches and other nonprofit groups inviting donations.
In response Miller's campaign invited donations of $18.70 and $19.70, for whichever era of sideburns the donor preferred.