"Now we enter the next phase and will invite other Latin American countries to negotiate their entry."
The United States plans to contribute $6 million and invites other countries to help.
So, rather than inviting participating countries to compete with fancy designs, Portugal has provided temporary quarters for each national pavilion.
"If we don't solve it ourselves, it means we are inviting non-Arab countries to intervene and find a solution for us," he said.
Iran has invited countries to tour its nuclear facilities, but the United States is not on the list.
They say the Administration's position could stall or even scuttle the treaty negotiations by inviting other countries to seek their own exemptions.
"I also invite the Iraqi government, religious leaders, community leaders and countries trying to influence Iraq to behave with consciousness and responsibility," he said.
In 1993, the U.S. and Russia decided to merge their space station plans and invite other countries to get involved in the project.
Chirac invited other countries, especially European nations, to create a fund that would help increase the number of AIDS studies and experiments.
Participants are invited from 105 friendly developing countries of the world.