The membership of each Assembly was determined by a civic lottery which invited citizens to volunteer as candidates.
It is against the law to invite or encourage Maldivian citizens to attend these gatherings.
Such laws invite good citizens to choose knowingly to break the law, confident that they are doing nothing morally wrong.
And when we invited senior citizens to speak to the young people about Harlem's past, their vivid stories offered a sense of possibility.
A campaign that invites citizens of the world to take part in what is collectively one huge dinner party in an effort to help stop child poverty.
Very commonly, colleges or universities will invite politicians, important citizens, or other noted speakers to come and address the graduating class.
Some high schools are piloting programs that invite senior citizens into the schools to use the schools' computer labs.
European policy is often at variance with this idea, inviting citizens to be passive and sometimes even rewarding laziness.
He even invited citizens to a meet-and-greet luncheon.
And some papers have invited citizens to sit in on their Page 1 meetings.